EVE Warrant Management System integrates with electronic warrant interfaces and offers a fully automated workflow for your compliance staff.

WMS offers integrations with electronic HI1 interfaces so you can automatically handle lawful interception and lawful disclosure requests from any law enforcement agency.

Incoming warrants are presented to your operator staff in an easy-to-read fashion. The technical details are shown next to the official warrant to assist the operator with the verification. Once accepted, the intercept is automatically installed on the relevant network elements or the lawful disclosure query is fired off to the backend database.


WMS Benefits

  • Compatible with all electronic warrant interfaces (HI1)
  • Fully automates compliancy workflow
  • Metrics for KPI/SLA management and billing

WMS Mapping

A configurable mapping process integrates with your Network Intelligence APIs, for example to look up if a certain phone number shall be provisioned on a residential or business switch. Using WMS and mapping also allows an operator to automate (parts of) the workflow, for example during out-of-office hours.

WMS Auditing and logging

Auditing and logging

WMS provides an audit trail of all updates during the warrant lifespan. Details can be searched and exported for evidential and billing purposes.

Want to know more about our Warrant Management System?